Monday, September 21, 2009

My visit to Oregon

Family is a really funny thing for me, I don't know I guess I have had just a rough life after I moved out of Idaho. I think I just need those right people in my life to make sure my feet stay on the ground. I love my family to peices, don't get me wrong, I just have a rough time with them some times, but with my neice and nephew around the world is so much better for me!

I went to my sisters house for a week this month and I had alot of fun being able to see my adorable neice she is such a sweetheart I can't get over how much fun she is she is just an amazing little girl! She is so full of life and I never want her to lose that the way I did.

these should totaly be lipstick and sunglass advertisement pictures hahah she is such a doll (love her love her love her)

My nephew on the other hand is just so silly he has the biggest cuttest smile I have ever seen on a boy and if I get a boy someday I want him to have just as big of a smile! He LOVES his food as soon as he sees the bottle he will start crying if you don't get it in his mouth instantly! He is such a chunk and loves his big sister he looks up to her so much I couldn't get very good pics of him cause he was moving around alot! Oh and he is also a big spit-up-er haha I love my neice and nephew so much they are amazing!

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